Herb/o/logy DIY Diaries 

How about some all natural bug spray for those evenings sitting outside?
Mr herb/o/logy found this recipe and he used it the night of the herb/o/logy garden party. It worked great and we were bug free for several hours. 

Use equal parts:

  • Stale Beer
  • Epsom Salts
  • Mouth Wash

Combine and put in a clean sprayer

Ingredients for Bug Spray

One nice thing about this spray is you can use it on anything and very heavy.

Here at herb/o/logy we opt to use natural pest and ground controls so we can keep our gardens organic as possible for use towards our soaps – and for you our faithful herb/o/logy customer! 

See you on the garden path

Herb/o/logy Anniversary 

Happy one year anniversary herb/o/logy! It’s been a very enlightening year! So many lessons learned and some the hard way. Number one lesson that I learned? This business is not about me! What? No one told me that one! 

One of the positive learning aspects of running any business (and number one concern) is getting to know the customer. That has been an amazing journey going from, little me’s, to a smart sophisticated person who cares for the environment, loves all things handmade and loves to give back to the community. The herb/o/logy customer is most savvy in natural products, they want to learn but want to be able to trust in the brand.

The evolution of the herb/o/logy lines has been a thrilling ride, based on customer feedback. Herb/o/logy started with three basic lines; Origins, Celebrations and Tranquility. Origins was about the original formulas of the soaps, our first ones. Celebrations was about using creative fragrance oils and colorants celebrating every day life to the holiday spirit. Tranquility (remember the business is about me?) I wanted a line full of spa experiences for bathing pleasure. 

Based on customer’s response these lines began to evolve into beautiful elegant refinements. Origins is now about essential oils and natural colorants concentrating on skin loving ingredients. Expeditions, formally Celebrations, is about frivolity and adventure from the garden. Tranquility’s line has changed products multiple times, and will continue to change as the spa industry changes.

We have added a men’s line and a Canine line, can you guess what’s in the works? 

I retired from a educational field and one thing I always believed is you can never stop learning. Albert Einstein once said “once you stop learning you start dying.” Learning makes us grow and want to extend ourselves. 

I vow to always keep learning to help the herb/o/logy customer make good choices for their skin in the most natural way possible. 

Thank you herb/o/logy customer for an exciting year, And here’s to many more!  

September Sunset in the Garden

See you on the garden path  

Labor Day and Soapmaking 

Labor Day and SoapThe topic I had chosen for this week’s herb/o/logy blog was Labor Day. I realized I didn’t know anything about the holiday other then we spend time with family, which is never a bad thing! So, in doing some research, I found Labor Day very interesting. The first Labor Day was celebrated September 5 1882 in New York City. It was to commemorate the plans of the Central Labor Union and to celebrate the social and economic achievements of the American worker. The holiday grew along with the growth of the labor union organizations. 

The holiday has changed focus as most holidays have to more of a “day off” celebration. Which in itself is not a bad thing, because we do tend to spend more time with our family. But let’s not lose focus of this holiday, it’s a celebration of the American worker and how far we have come. Do you realize that it wasn’t until 1863, organized by the New York Sun, that women began to collect wages owed to them? 

I have never thought of making products for herb/o/logy as a labor. I feel that is creative outlet and a way to interact with people on a much deeper level. I will be making some soap this weekend but to me it’s a labor of love! 

Spend time with your family this weekend but also reflect on the American worker and how far we have come!
See you on the garden path!

Herb/o/logy’s New Fall Team